
Park 71 Plastic Surgery

Park 71 Plastic Surgery

Dr. Berger has been the Medical Director of Park 71 Plastic Surgery, a state-of-the-art ambulatory surgical facility, adjacent to our Manhattan office, for nearly twenty years. Designed to meet the highest standards for outpatient plastic surgery, most of Dr. Berger’s surgeries are performed at Park 71. The surgical suite provides a safe, private and comfortable alternative to a conventional hospital setting.

logo-aaaasfEven before certification of surgical facilities became required by New York State law, the Park 71 facility was fully accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc, (AAAASF). AAAASF is an organization dedicated to assuring high standards for ambulatory surgery facilities and assuring quality care in office-based surgery. An accredited facility must meet high safety standards in the operating room and throughout the office. AAAASF is one of three certifying organizations that were created with the specific purpose of assuring patient safety for outpatient surgical procedures. Park 71 continues to meet AAAASF standards and the new requirements set by New York State Law.

Dr. Berger is committed to maintaining the highest standards for the facility. Park 71 is equipped with a large operating room, fully monitored acute and subacute recovery rooms, and a nursing station. The team of experienced anesthesiologists, physician’s assistants and nurses ensure each patient receives a superlative level of care. Private duty nurses are available to provide post-operative care for patients at Park 71, at home or at nearby hotels.


Gary S. Berger, MD Medical Director

Gary S. Berger, MD
Medical Director

Carol Kiyan, RN Nursing Coordinator

Carol Kiyan, RN

Meleny Safar, LPN


Mani Hamedj, MD


Kenneth Wemm, MD


Ralston Morris, CRT


Yadira Clemente, MA

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